The Aktion Club of Lakeport’s members are all clients of our local People Services Inc., an organization that provides an array of services and employment for developmentally disabled adults living in Lake County.
Our local Aktion Club was formed with enthusiastic support and efforts from the Executive Director of People Services, Ilene Dumont, and People Services Supervisor and Aktion Club Adviser, Dana Lewis. The Kiwanis Club of Lakeport adviser is Dennis Rollins
The Aktion Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at the People Services’ building located at 4195 Lakeshore Blvd. in Lakeport.
Annual Picnic
The Annual Picnic for Lakeport Aktion Club and Kiwanis Club members was held at Library Park on July 15, 2015.
A hot dog BBQ and potluck dinner was served.
Kiwanis member John Wiskirchen provide rides on his boat.
Quagga Mussel Project
A This project for our Aktion Club began with an idea of increasing the awareness of the public to the dangers of Quagga Mussels in our local lakes.
Experience has shown that even though the American Great Lakes are contaminated with Zebra and Quagga Mussels, their local lakes have been kept void of the plight by keeping the public informed and aware of the problem.
How can we in Lake County learn from this lesson?
The idea of Burma Shave type signs highlighting the threat was chosen and a project was born. The new signs are up, the public is responding, and the results are positive.
Signs have been placed on Hwy 175 from the West and Soda Bay Road leading to the County and the State Parks. Additional locations are needed. Contact us if you are interested.
What do the signs say?
Jingles have been written with two themes in mind:
- The signs near the lake have specific messages, such as: